And today we are here



Where have you gone my little boy, little boy where have you gone my sonny my own
Turn around you’re two, turn around then you’re four
Turn around you’re a young man going out of the door.

It sounds like a cliche you’ve heard before…your children grow up quickly.  Be present and enjoy the moments.

On January 1st I danced with my son, the groom, and it was wonderful.

I didn’t worry about taking a picture; family was around to make sure of that.  I was present.

Don’t rush the moments wishing your babies can walk, or talk or use the potty (well, this one you may want to wish for) or grow up too quickly, because they will.

Every day, when you tuck them in, kiss them on the forehead and tell them something wonderful about that day. It might be something new they learned, or how they made you feel, or to tell them how much they are loved.  You will always find something positive to say.

Take advantage of each day that you can do that.  Sounds like a nice bedtime tradition you can begin now.

Have a wonderful week.


Tina Nocera, Founder

Parental Wisdom®


One Response to “And today we are here”

  1. Karen Van Cott says:


    Your words are so true, hold on to these precious moments with your children. And, yes always give them positive feedback even if it is negative you should be smart enough to turn it into positive.

    Hugs Karen

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