Your children need your presence more than your presents. Jesse Jackson
When answering questions on the TV show Jeopardy, you must phrase your answers in the form of a question.
Assume the category was, “Things that matter,” the answer properly phrased would be “What are the things we really need.”
Our needs are simple. Our wants are much greater. I love to subscribe to this philosophy for buying gifts for children:
- Something to wear
- Something to read
- Something they want
- Something they need
Plus one more gift; something to give. As we celebrating our grandson’s first Christmas, we bought him:
- A Santa outfit which you will see in the video
- The classic Polar Express book
- A toy selected by his parents
- Money for his college fund
We made a donation to Doctors Without Borders in his name. As he gets older and understands more, we will let him select the charity of his choosing. I personally don’t know any needy children, but if we buy them too much, we will raise greedy children.
Now that my children are adults, I realize we could have bought them less. The children won’t remember all the gifts they opened on Christmas morning, but they will remember the things they need; the time you spend with them and traditions and memories you shared on this and every holiday.
Enjoy the fun we had and memories we are building.
Have a happy and healthy New Year!
Tina Nocera, Founder
Wonderful piece, so happy you and Mike were able to have Mathew home to celebrate his first Christmas.
Karen VC