“The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any.” -Fred Astaire
Visit a household with young children and you’re likely to hear a parent saying, “How do you ask?” which of course is the age old lesson in the use of the magic words, please and thank you.
This week, I again find myself out on a limb, assuming the parents of the Jet Blue flight attendant and woman passenger that fueled his behavior took the same approach when their kids were little.
If that’s true, then what happened?
- Are our fuses shorter than ever?
- Is technology causing life to move so fast we don’t have time to be courteous?
- As we witness bad behavior, do we allow it, excuse it, and even encourage more of it?
What happened is more than simply reinforcing manners; it is also an opportunity for business. Since the time they were little, I’ve pointed out to my children that if they aren’t treated in a courteous manner, they have the greatest power in the world – they can go somewhere else with their money.
If the woman passenger had done that, we wouldn’t have been reading about it at all. Everything is a lesson, isn’t it?
Be sure to visit Parental Wisdom’s advisor Barbara Gilmour’s website Tanners Manners.
Extra credit – ask any employer and they will tell you that in this tough job market or any job market – manners count!
Have a great week!
Tina Nocera, Founder
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