Archive for August, 2014

Believing in Magic Beans

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

How can the concept of magic beans help our children to be successful in the new school year?

For magic beans to work, you need two things:

  1. Believing in the impossible
  2. Adding a little water

For your child to be successful in the new school year you also need two things:

  1. Belief in their ability to something extraordinary
  2. Adding a little work

I believe in magic beans, and the picture above is proof.

The plant in the picture came from a clipping of a plant originally cared for by my mother-in-law.  Though Nana Doris passed away in 1982 before our children were born, we frequently told them stories about her, and every holiday make our special Nana Doris string beans.

We took the clipping about ten years ago when we helped my father-in-law move out of the house into an apartment, even though the original plant had not grown.

The results speak for themselves.  All we did was:

  1. Believe in family and the love that is always present
  2. Add a little water

How could you not believe in magic beans?

If your children need inspiration, visit my product page on inspiration.  



Have a wonderful last fling with summer, and a great school year!

Tina Nocera, Founder

Parental Wisdom®