“When we are centered in joy, we attain our wisdom.” – Marianne Williamson
As we celebrate the birthdays of our first born, we are also celebrating our anniversary as parents. As you think back, what do you remember?
If I had to sum up my feelings to one word, that word would be joy.
I find myself nostalgically thinking of all the things we did and I can’t help but smile. Not that we were perfect parents, or our lives were perfect, but it was real, and we really enjoyed bringing up our children – every step of the way, even when they were teenagers. We didn’t rush through the stages, anxiously waiting to get to the next one, but really lived in that moment.
Joy is something that is easily spread around, which means that if parents are enjoying the ride, so are their children. I thought it would be interesting to put together a list of your favorite moments of parenting; this would make a wonderful book!
Care to contribute your favorite moments of parenting?
Let me begin…
1. Each year on their little boy’s birthday, a picture is taken in his dad’s button down shirt. Same shirt, every year. They will continue to do that to see how he grows into it.
2. Celebrate every holiday, and include decorations, food and discussion about why that holiday is being celebrated. Presidents Day then isn’t about a sale, but your children will remember the log cabin you built from pretzel logs, as you discuss why Lincoln is still remembered.
3. Cutting down the Christmas tree each year has all the makings of the next National Lampoon Griswold’s movie, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
4. You attended every Thanksgiving Day football game at the local high school regardless of the weather, and went back home and prepared a Thanksgiving feast together as a family.
P.S. If you aren’t yet a parent, but remember things your parents did that you really enjoyed; that counts too!
Love to hear from you!
Tina Nocera, Founder
Parental Wisdom®