Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.
Harriet van Horne
They purchased all the ingredients and planned the day so they could make well over a hundred ravioli before Easter. The women would gather in the basement of the row house on 44th Street in Brooklyn in an assembly line fashion. Aprons on and work area set, they would focus on making dough and the filling, which was called “ping.”
On Easter Sunday, the family would eagerly gather at the table for a traditional first course. I never understood the origin of the word ping, and never gave it much thought until many years later as the colloquial use of the word would mean reaching out to connect with someone. You might hear someone say, “Ping me when you’re available.”
It’s funny, but that is what the ping filling did all those years ago; it connected everyone in the family. We found the recipe and yesterday we followed it. Since taste is such a powerful memory trigger, we believe we got it right because the stories of those family gatherings so long ago seemed as if they happened only yesterday.
I suppose the true meaning on the word “ping” is connections after all. And today is National Ravioli Day!
Tina Nocera, Founder