If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one. Mother Teresa
If you’re like me, you want to disconnect from all election news.
Why do we hang our hopes on a leader for societal improvements? Are we going to have these same conversations four years from now? Eight years from now?
What if the changes were easier than we thought, and we don’t need to wait for anyone?
I believe we can, and change simply begins with food.
Think about when you are happy? It usually involves, family, friends and food, and connecting with each other around the table. It so happens there are grass movements (ha ha literally!) going on in the country to make sure everyone has access to healthy food.
- It begins with school gardens, community gardens, and with the help of the Roofing Advisors rooftop gardens are possible too.
- It’s as simple as making sure a child has a good breakfast before school.
- It’s as real as a billionaire believing in chickens.
These powerful movements can grow with a single seed. What do you say we each plant one?
Have a great week!
Tina Nocera, Founder